What do you need to know about Cybercrime and Cyber hackers?

Due to the increased usage of the internet to many people, cybercriminals and hackers are all over cyberspace. These people are just waiting for every opportunity to attack when someone lowers their level of security and privacy. In order to protect your data or your business for that matter, it is important to understand the personalities behind this dangerous and unlawful crime.  


What is cybercrime?


Cybercrime is any illegal activity that involves a computer or other computing devices, as well as mobile phones. Cybercrime is not only carried out for profit by cybercriminals, but it’s also done by cyberhackers to damage and disable computer networks for malicious intent.

The three types of cybercrime can be defined as:

  • Crime to gain access to computer networks.
  • Crime using computing devices like a weapon, such as DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service).
  • A crime where computers are used for the storage of stolen data.

Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats to businesses and organizations and includes a wide range of illegal and malicious activity that can compromise the security and integrity of data.

Different Types of Hacking techniques

Cyberhackers use a variety of ways to get into computer networks. Here are the most common techniques used by hackers to obtain your data illegally:

SQL injection

An SQL injection attack is often used to target low-security websites. Cyberhackers insert SQL statements into the text fields on a website that capture information, such as usernames and passwords. The SQL code can be used to either get information from the website or attack visitors to the site. Inserted code can also allow the hacker to get a foot in the door for future attacks.

DDoS – Distributed Denial of Service

Cyberhackers perform DDoS attacks to damage computer systems with the intent of shutting down the entire network, including computers and mobile phones. The goal is to overwhelm networks with so much traffic that they become inoperable. The main motivations behind DDoS are for revenge, for political activism, and for blackmail, where cyber hackers demand payment for return to service.

Phishing attack

Phishing happens when users receive an email that looks as though it’s legitimate. Cyberhackers typically attempt to imitate a well-known organization that’s easily identified, such as financial institutions. Hackers count on unsuspecting users to open and read the email and then enter their banking and personal information. Businesses need to have strict policies in place for phishing emails, training employees to never provide information in an email without first contacting IT.

Malware attack

Malware is a type of malicious software that’s downloaded and installed on computer systems without permission or knowledge. The software contains code inserted by cyber hackers so they can gain illegal access to networks and computing devices. The destructive code can be embedded within an email, website links, or software that’s being downloaded. Once the code is executed, it copies itself and links to other applications on the computer, making the entire system a vulnerable target.

There are different types of malware, such as spyware, which gathers confidential information including financial data, credit card details, and personal information. Another form of malware is Trojans, which are disguised as legitimate applications and software. When executed on computers, trojans open up a back door, allowing other types of malware to enter.

Different Types of Cyber Hackers

Cyber hacking is about gaining unauthorized access to a computer and computer network. But just who are these hackers, and what do they do?

Grey hat

Falling in between the black and white hackers is the grey hacker. These cyberhackers exploit computer networks just like the black hat, but they don’t have the same malicious intent. They often violate security with practices that are illegal, however, they don’t typically use the information they steal for their own gain.

White Hat Cyber Hackers

White hats are also known as “ethical hackers”. They work with companies and organizations to remove viruses or to help reinforce the security of computer networks. These cyber hackers have authorized permission to access computer systems, using their ethical hacking techniques to secure a company’s data system.

Many large companies use white hat hackers to exploit their security systems and find any backdoors before black hat cyber hackers are able to enter the system illegally. Their ethical hacking provides useful information to organizations about the vulnerabilities of their security system so these weaknesses can be secured.

Black Hat Cyber hacking

Black hat hackers are those who try to gain illegal and unauthorized access to computer networks and systems to obtain information for malicious intent. These cyber hackers often work alone, using the information they steal for their own purpose or to sell to other criminals for illegal use.

Often called “crackers”, black hat cyber hackers look for businesses and financial organizations with weak security, making them easy to hack into. They’re looking for personal and financial data, as well as passwords they can sell for profit. Black hats also try to damage network and computer systems by compromising and damaging their network security. Once compromised, hackers can shut down entire systems or make illegal and malicious changes to websites.

These black hat cyber hackers are the ones your business needs to worry about the most as a risk to your confidential data.


Knowing these cyber hackers is an important step for you in securing and protecting your internet assets from these unscrupulous individuals. As these people continue to find ways to victimized individuals, the more you need to step up your security and privacy on the internet.    

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